Though I'm not one to conform to the norm, I have to admit Things I Like Thursday, or TILT, is an awesome part of any blog.
TILT invites you to jot down all the things that have made you smile that week. Then if you feel miserable at any point, go back, have a gander and giggle.
So, introducing my first ever TILT!!!!
* Reminiscing about Bartheloooooona (above) - we went for a week in September and I fell in love. Gaudi's architecture is amazing - gingerbread house anyone? Paris, you have a close competitor for my heart.
* LIFE on the BBC - AMAZING! Especially when watching it with the Kiwi, who compared the Iguana laying eggs to 'having a stiff shite', and who said Bullfrogs were 'pimpin'. Nice.
* Randomly ending up at wedding receptions!!! (and having an AMAZING time, despite not knowing anyone! Congratulations Brian and Denice!)
* My new haircut - I had about 6in taken off my hair last week. I've been threatening to cut my hair shorter for years and last week I finally took the plunge. It's taking a while to get used to (and waaaay longer to style), but I really like it.
* This comment from my friend - 'Cash in the Attic', more like 'Shite in the Laft'...
* The fact that when I got out of the shower last night, the Kiwi said I looked like a member of Kiss (must take make up off before showering)
* That our boiler is getting fixed soon - poor Coco and Mika have been doubling up as live hot water bottles for the past couple of weeks as our heating has packed up!
* That I have started making a Christmas list for Coco and Mika which consists of remote-controlled mice, microwavable heat pads, this, and... this!

* Putting my jammies on as soon as is acceptable when I get home from work
* Getting boxes from asos.com in the mail (more on this tomorrow)
* This Tweet from Tom from McFly -
>"WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!! RT @NASA Star Girl by McFly to be played in space! The station crew will hear the song during the Oct. 21 ISS Tweetup."
* This post from faboosh Kiwi girl Gala Darling on Gala's Magical Guide to Getting Well. This girl is awesome, and this blog will certainly help me in the run up to Christmas when my immune system has a major FAIL
* The fact that Harrods have started selling Aleksander the Meerkat cuddly toys. Seeemples!
* Exciting conversations about redesigning our flat...
* Helping friends out with new ventures...more to come on this one
* And finally, this video. Anyone who knows me, knows that I 'lose it' from time to time. Basically I get a completely uncontrollable fit of the giggles, sometimes for no reason, and it's very difficult to stop. It would appear that Jason Segel (LOVE HIM!) has the same problem!
Now I have to go as I am finding it physically difficult to type - I have a live, furry hot water bottle on each forearm, glaring at me as if to say - PUT THE COMPUTER DOWN, AND PAMPER ME!
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