Little bit late on this one - I'm still in some weird Christmas/New Year/Time Warp Limbo thing where I don't actually know which day is which.
Anyhoo, here's what's been titilitating my visual tastebuds this week!
-New Years! We had two this year - a proper Scottish Ceilidh on the 31st, and then a house party on the 2nd of January which was messsssssy. I love whiskey and apple juice, but 10 of them don't like me too much. Fast forward to the next morning and I woke up wearing Boyzone pyjamas I bought when I was 8. We also played a seriously competitive game of Fuzzy Duck. Good times!

- The Sandollar Cafe. This is one of the me and the Kiwi's favourite weekend breakfast locations. It's right beside the beach, and is really cute.

They have an amazing menu, but we always have the same thing when we go. The Kiwi has a croissant with bacon, eggs and cheese, and my favourite is the Sandollar breakfast, with which you get -tea for one in a cute teapot

-and pancakes, crispy bacon and maple syrup. You do, honestly. I was just very peckish when this photo was taken.

-The pyusses. I felt sorry for them over the festive period as we had to leave them at home when we went out to my parents, but they were visited by their Great-Auntie every day and they love her to bits.
Coco was over the moon with the mouse she got in her Christmas stocking and alternates between giving it kisses and trying to rip its head off.

Although they sulked with us a little bit for leaving them, they soon got back to being their normal selves. One of their favourite hobbies is being pervy. As soon as they hear the shower running, they bolt through to the bathroom, sit side by side on the toilet seat and peek round the shower curtain. They seem to think the water is dangerous though because if the see it touch you, they start crying and whining, and won't stop until you get out. Here they are perving at the Kiwi (no naked Kiwi shots, thankfully)

-What with all of the snow we're having in Scotland at the mo, the cats have decided to take the role of living hot water bottles, which I'm chuffed about. They let me warm my cold hands on their furry bellies! Here's what a typical evening looks like - the three of us cuddled up on one seat!

-The new set of Alice in Wonderland themed Swarovski
jewellery. I love the Tea Party pieces, the Red Queen earrings and the Flower Garden ring is very cute. Obviously I love the Cheshire Cat necklace (who will be voiced by the wonderful Stephen Fry in the new film)

This story about a man who set off a major security operation in Newark aiport, because he did a film-style run through security just to kiss his girlfriend goodbye! Aww!
Luxirare's edible Crayons. If you've never visited her website before, you should.
-Anyone who regularly reads
Cupcakes Take The Cake (If you're not, you should do that too), will be excited to see the inside of
Baked By Melissa's store. Melissa makes amazing mini-cupcakes, and seeing inside her shop made me dream even more about my own one.
- Cadbury's Black Forest Chocolate. This stuff is AMAZING. It's Dairy Milk, with cherry flavoured jellies and biscuite pieces and it's yum! The ridiculous thing is you only get it in New Zealand, so thankfully the Kiwi's family sent us some over.

-Receiving e-mails from shops with new Spring items. Looks like my bankie is in for a battering again as more 'Colene' things come into the shops. Parisian polkadots? Yes please! All items below are just from Miss Selfridge - I love the red jumpsuit, and the patent black booties.
-HOWEVER - the hot topic of conversation in my world this week is how much the Kiwi looks like Basshunter, who is in the Celebrity Big Brother house at the moment. SO many people have mentioned it to me, and it's scary. I think they were separated at birth!

The Kiwi

Hope you're all having a good first week of 2010!
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