Thursday, 31 December 2009

Old Years Thankfulness!

Happy New Year!

I realise a lot of people will be sitting writing New Years Resolutions lists this week - stop smoking, go to the gym more, eat less fattening foods etc, but I find those lists quite annoying.

Yes they are good for inspiring you to get off your arse and do something, but just writing something in your diary or on a bit of paper isn't necessarily going to make you do it. And then by February, when you look at your list you feel like a failure. Boo.

Well not on this blog!
Instead, I am going to look back at some of the best things that have happened to me this year, and be thankful for such a great year. Much better to be positive!

So, here goes!

- My year started off with a much anticipated trip to New Zealand - it was a fantastic three weeks back on the Kiwi's home turf, and can't be summed up in one go. So firstly I love the North Island because -

My friend Anna lives there - Hi Anna!

We saw the Kiwi's family again! Hi Jordyn and Zoe!

We celebrated the Kiwi's 21st birthday - yes, he's just a baby.

I love the South Island because -

I pulled my first pint

We went road tripping and met up with loads of friends

I did my bungee jump - aagh!

Finally, I love Durville Island because -

It looks like the Secret Island

I learned to fish

I saw actual glow worms and they were amazing, but unfortunately not very photographic!
I spent lots of time on a boat

We also visited Barcelona, and I loved it. Paris, you have some serious competition

The city is gorgeous

As is the food - yum!

We fell in love with an ice bar

And I discovered Gaudi's work - I want to live in a gingerbread house!

On home turf, we spent a weekend tank driving which was amazing fun!

-We were wined and dined in posh hotels in Dundee, Stirling and Inverness and visited the Highland Wildlife Centre.


GOOD year for baking!

I made these adorable cake bites for the first time - I must have made hundreds since

I found an awesome cupcake contact in New Zealand who made and delivered cakes to a friend for me

I made my fun Halloween cakes!

I did some fun special orders

I purchased some important baking equipment including two stands, a cupcake caddy, countless sprinkles (candy canes anyone?). Sadly the Kitchenaid is still slightly out of reach.

And I perfected multicoloured swirling!


We celebrated our first year with the pyusses - how is this possible? It feels like they've been around forever!

The Kiwi and I celebrated our third anniversary in style at Malmaison.

I finally took the plunge and cut my hair short! Again this may not seem like a big deal but look how long it was beforehand! Thankfully I love being a shortie.

I added to my shoe collection - and as you now know, THE DREAM SHOES are now mine! Mua hahahaha!

We attended a good friend's wedding - ah! People I went to school with are getting married! We must be getting old

I finally took the plunge and got my tattoo

And (drumroll please...) I started this blog!!!

Thanks so much if you've been reading my little ramblings! Here's to a great 2010!

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