Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Things I Like Thursday 17/12/2009

Ok, ok. The eagle-eyed of you will notice that there was no TilT last week. Don't get me wrong- there were plenty of things I liked last week - I just didn't have time to like them!!!

So I present, a slightly overdue but bursting with goodness TILT!

- Yes, I know I've posted about it before but it was A M A ZING! Part of me had always wished I was a little girl in 1939 when the Wizard of Oz was first released - how amazing would it have been witnessing the change from black and white to Technicolour for the first time? Anyhoo I had the BEST time watching it in the cinema! There was the sweetest little girl across the aisle from us who kept giggling at the Lion -normally this would annoy me but she had the cutest chuckle! What was also fun was that I took a WOOz virgin with me (don't get me started - how can you get to 22 without seeing it?!?!?) - and she loved it too!!!

-My Christmas night out! We had a fairly low key night, but the company was fantastic. I also found this throne which I think I should drag into work to sit at my desk on, oui?

-French Bulldogs. Do I need an explanation? They're so ugly that they're cute and they have so much attitude on their mug.

This ad was the paper this week and I had to remind the Kiwi that a) I don't have £850 to spend on a dog and b) Coco would hate us forever

-Crazy nails! I used to be really into nail art (sheep in a field? Union Jack? My name??), but haven't had the time or patience to do anything wacky recently. These started off as candy cane stripes, but I was tired and had a shaky hand, so they were changed to polka dots. Not sure if they're cute or too much like measles.

-How awesome is my mum for making me this? She's a dab hand on the computer, but leave her alone with it for a while and it can be dangerous. Thankfully this time she focussed her efforts into making me a 'guilty pleasures' list featuring some of my favourite rugby players. Bless. It now takes pride of place on my desk at work.

-I stupidly, and lazily, left my fleecy hoody in the living room last week. I only got it back yesterday. You see, Mika hijacked it. For just about 24 hours a day, he has been attached to it. To be fair, if I was a pyuss, I'd like a fleece covered cushion too. I love the fact he's hogging all the remotes in this pic too!

-Hic, drool, blabja;lhfuioa;hfj;. I'm sorry, let me regain my composure. Seriously, how perrrrrffffeeeccccttttt are these shoes??? Red? Sparkly? Bow? heel? Non slutty despite all of the above? I WANT, no, MUST OWN these shoes. Size 6 1/2, 7 thank very much.

-Coco is very much like me in the mornings - she will do ANYTHING to avoid having to actually get up. Usually when I get up she follows me around, rubs herself against my hairbrush, chews my blusher brush and gives herself a moustache with my eyebrow pencil. But one morning this week there was no sign of her. I looked around and saw this. Touche Coco. I feel like burying my head back under the duvet most mornings too.

- This is EXACTLY my sense of humour. Snort.

-Three day weeks - wooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

-Christmas anticipation. My mum has bought us all novelty gifts and so far all I know is that one of my grandparents is going to be the lucky recipient of a set of nipple tassles. Hmmm.

-Sending away the Kiwi's visa. Ok so that's one bit of worrying by. Now all I need to do is worry until we hear back! ARGH!

-Hearing that my granny doesn't have to have a HUUUUUUGE operation. SMILE!

-Eating Christmassy food before Christmas - see pate, olive mixes, antipasti meats, crackers and cheese etc

-Drinking non-alcoholic wine the night after a night on the booze - you feel hardcore, but wake up fresh as a daisy - bonus!

-SHORTER hair. Oh dear. From the haircut-phobic person I was, I've become a daredevil in the hairdressers seat. i.e I got another couple of inches off. Big news for me, but probably a normal visit for everyone else.

Right, come on. Spill the beans! What have you been up to this week?




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