Thursday, 24 December 2009

Things I Like Thursday December 24th 2009

Eeeeeee! It's Christmas Eve! Tres exciting!!!

Today I am having my own traditional Christmas Eve - i.e baking ALL day! Yay! Fun times! Coco a, Mika and I stick on the telly for some film-goodness, apron-up and spend the entire day making treats for friends and family.

So while I'm doing that - this is what else I've been enjoying this week!

-This Christmas card rocks my cupcake-loving world.

-Fajita night! It's like a tradition in our house. I'm a bit OCDish about my fajita construction and folding - see below. Fillings in order are - sour cream, guacamole, lettuce, chicken mix then cheese. The complete some origami style folding so none falls out!


-Festive nails - White + silver glitter = faboosh nails!

-Getting my dream dress! I'm SOOOO happy! I've wanted this dress for a while now - it was one of those walk into the shop moments and - BOOM there is the dress that won't leave your mind until you get it. And luckily I got mine for 40% off! Thanks Donna!

-That you can cycle naked in New Zealand, as long as you wear a helmet! Haha! Only in NZ!

-Yoga Cats! I can't believe some people have complained that the cats look 'unnatural' in the comments section! Come on!!!!

-Speaking of which - this is one of my favourite photos of Coco - wot-choo-lookin-at????

-Setting up the Sky+ box to record some films while we're away at Christmas - Shrek 2, Happy Feet and The Incredibles all feature, as well as the BEST CHRISTMAS FILM EVER - Santa Claus: The Movie - so much 80s child goodness!!!

-Hearing Last Christmas by Wham while walking through a couple feet of snow to work - definitely cheered me up! Also seeing a man with a reindeer hat on!

- A conversation with the Kiwi where we were discussing different names for Santa, and he said 'Dr Nick'. Dr Nick is coming to town!!!! Haha!

-Wearing ridonkulous red fluffy, jingly earrings to work!

- Making these Bite-sized Christmas puddings (inspired by Nigella). This is obviously a rubbish picture (damn iPhone). I'll be making a HEAP more of these today though so will post how to make them later - great for using up left over Christmas Pud!

I'm hoping it doesn't get too much colder today, as if it does there's a chance I won't get out to my folks' house for Christmas Day!!! DISASTER!

If it does though, I think I'll take note from Coco and Mika ( who loved their presents from their neighbours Coco and Milly), and snuggle up and hibernate for a while!

Merry Christmas everyone!

P.S - if you received a heavy, jar-shaped present from me - come back tomorrow for instructions on what to do with it. Oooooh cryptic...!!!

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